Make Good Use of Your Licensed Health Expertise

Help Good Samaritan provide medical and dental care to Pasco County residents. Seeking licensed dentists, pharmacists, pharmacy techs, registered nurses, licensed professional nurses, medial assistants, and a front desk volunteer. Clinic hours M-Th, 10:00am-5:00pm. Choose your days and times in 2 hour shifts.

Mission – The Good Samaritan Health Clinic of Pasco, Inc. is a volunteer driven, non-profit organization that provides quality, non-emergency medical and dental services, including prescriptions, free-of-charge to eligible residents of Pasco County.

History – Good Samaritan Clinic has been serving Pasco County for 32 years. In 1990, a dedicated group of individuals recognized an unfulfilled need for healthcare services to be freely available to the medically needy members of our community. Since that time, the Clinic has grown, and now has over 3,500 patient visits annually.

Contact Anne Wilkinson (813) 492.8921 to set your own days and times. 

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