Help Students Discover STEM with STEMXPOSURE!

  Location: Tampa Bay Area Volunteer Needs: Encourage students to explore STEM with STEM Xposure! A local nonprofit organization based in the Tampa Bay Area has a mission is to expose and engage minority students in the community to STEM Careers and the impact of...

Help Community Members Access Essential Resources as a RESOURCE ADVOCATE!

Purpose: Resource Advocate volunteers provide support virtually or in-person following guidelines to keep participants healthy and safe.  Resource Advocates connect, transform and empower individuals by helping them successfully access essential community resources to...

Support Community Members Struggling with Poverty with The Volunteer Way! MULTIPLE POSITIONS!

Purpose: The Volunteer Way’s goal is to assist people caught in poverty. As responsible and caring people, we will aid in their struggle to overcome poverty and become productive citizens of the community. The Volunteer Way believes that thoughtful, committed...

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