
  1. James A. Hailey Veterans Hospital and their Clinics -13000 Bruce B. Downs Blvd,.
    Tampa, FL 33612
  2. Bay Pines Healthcare Systems and their Clinics – 10000 Bay Pines Blvd, Bay Pines, FL 33744

Purpose and Duties:

  • Assist by building connections and opportunities in the community with veterans and military family members, potential businesses and community partners specifically by reaching out to potential clients who have inquired, visited, or who have been referred to the Whole Health Program.
  • Assist with client follow ups and appointments by phone calls, emails or mail.
  • Assist those who walk-in our door for the first time and giving them information and resources.
  • Help Veterans navigate, answer questions about and explain benefits of the My HealtheVet and Whole Health Program to ensure their basic health care needs.
  • Assist with the organization of meetings, events, and seeking out opportunities to make Whole Health Program presence known.
  • Assist with the collaboration and partnership of other organizations to provide information about Whole Health Program and VA Services.
  • Assist with the facilitation of general information about the Introduction to the Whole Health Program in community organizations.
  • Assist with the collection of pre-post surveys measuring Veterans access to resources and service needs. 
  • Support with other alternative activities related to COVID-19 response opportunities like serving Veterans with teleservices and writing letters of encouragement, or by supporting other community organizations with their Veterans projects and events.  

Qualifications: Great opportunity for individuals who are Veterans and/or Military Family Member, who are working toward having or have an education in social work, public health, or any medical related degree and for former AmeriCorps members. Strong Commitment to community service and ability to work as a team player. Member must pass a TB Tine test and a National Criminal History Background check to include an FBI background check via fingerprints, a local background check, and their name run through the National Sex Offender database This is contingent on any Member beginning their service year. Member must be a citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident of the United States.

Time Commitment: For one year, OVC SIS Members thru Seniors in Service will support the Whole Health Program at two site locations.Members must be available to serve 900 hours between August 2020 to July 2021 and pass a federal background screening. members must serve a minimum of 20 -25 hours per week.

Benefits: Flexible schedules, a living allowance of $392 per month, will gain valuable skills while benefitting from trainings and service-learning experiences. Member will be eligible for a Segal Education Award of $3,047.50 upon successful completion of the service hours.

Training: Member will receive an Orientation to include required Member trainings:       American Red Cross First Aid and CPR; Citizenship; Diversity Awareness and Appreciation; Disability Awareness & Etiquette; and Introduction to Disaster Preparedness. Orientation will also cover SIS AmeriCorps and VA Policies and Procedures, prohibited activities in detail (including HIPAA, non-displacement and non-duplication, the Hatch Act, etc.), and pertinent agency and site information. Ongoing required education will be scheduled throughout the service term.

Next Steps: Contact Glarisol Traspalacios below to sign-up or call (813) 492-8935


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