Tracye Brown was appointed Assistant Superintendent for Academic Support and Federal Programs for Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS) (Florida) in July 2015. Before this appointment, she served as General Director, Federal Programs (Title I) and was also Project Director for HCPS Race to the Top Grant (2013 -2015). Before that, she was Director for Communication and Project Management for the HCPS Empowering Effective Teachers Initiative, a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation grant (2010-2013). Before that, she spent ten years as a school principal in three HCPS urban elementary schools; Lockhart Magnet, Potter, and Sulphur Springs. Known for her transformational leadership style, Mrs. Brown acted as a change agent and implemented professional learning communities and continuous improvement models in her schools.
Mrs. Brown has shared her strategies for turning around schools at several national conferences, including the National School Board Association, National Association of Minority Educators, Effective Schools, and Florida Council of Elementary Education.
In addition to her leadership roles of principal and assistant principal, Mrs. Brown was a classroom teacher in two districts in Florida. She received a BS in Elementary Education from the University of Central Florida and a M. Ed in Educational Leadership from the University of South Florida.